Numbers 22-23 A Conundrum

A conundrum is a puzzle that seems to be unsolvable. Balaam fits in that category. Historians say this about this man: “Balaam is the pagan counterpart to Moses the man of God. The recovery of prophetic texts of Balaam in Aramaic from the sixth century at Deir-’Allah in Jordan shows how very famous this man was in the ancient Near East, even centuries after his death.” On the one hand he displays honorable intentions towards the Israelites but on the other hand, his fear of what God might do to him if he curses them causes him great anxiety and a lack of direction.
Because Balaam did not heed the instruction of the Lord, God sent an angel to correct him using a donkey to speak to him. God is not only the God of wisdom but He is also the creator and author of the animal kingdom. Balaam ignored the donkey’s persistent actions of denying Balaam’s journey and after three times God opened the mouth of the donkey to show Balaam His displeasure.
Throughout this whole scenario we see a man who seeks monetary gain more than God’s blessing. He is a person with what we call a “forked tongue.” He speaks gracious words as long as the money pot is filled but when it is not, he is left penniless. Beware of men like Balaam who seek to undermine God’s plan. Stay alert and apart from them for they are servants of Satan and no good will come of your interaction with them. Be discerning!