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Zechariah 1-7 Return and Be Blessed

The OT prophets have a recurring theme for the Jews: they must return to God and His ways in order for Him to bless them. They remind the Jews that way back in Moses’ time, God clearly told them how He would bless them, and here it is again by the prophet Zechariah. There is a saying: if you don’t learn from the past, you will have to repeat it, or in Bible terms, you will have to do another lap around the wilderness. But, again, as the other prophets have said, ‘The Lord of Heaven’s Armies has indeed done what he said he would do to us because of our sinful ways.”

Why are we so clueless to this simple command of God? The key is found in Zechariah chapter 7: “they refused to pay attention.” How like us! It boils down to the pride issue as it was in the beginning in the Garden of Eden.

So what shall we glean as an application for us today? We must be in the scripture, listen to the Holy Spirit, and do as John wrote: if we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, willing to forgive and cleanse us. [1Jn 1:9] Have we done that today and every day? 

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