“Listen, Hear & Do Immediately”

Mark 1 Many feel that Mark’s ear heard the words of Jesus as Peter shared them with him. He wants us to walk, see and listen as Jesus moves from the river to the wilderness, from the wilderness to the city proper, from the city proper to the synagogue, from the synagogue to Simon’s house, from Simon’s house to a deserted place, and from the deserted place to a place in Galilee.
Hear Jesus say there is only a short time to accomplish the Father’s work and bring about the good news of salvation to all people. Jesus was about the Father’s business, whether by the river, in the wilderness being tempted, by the Sea of Galilee, or in a remote place in prayer.
With Jesus, we must be ready to see, hear, and repent, for we only have a short time to bring the good news to a lost and dying world. Whether we live in the countryside or in a bustling city, God has a divine appointment for you this day. Jesus was prepared to do the Father’s will; are you? He was always in communion with God so that he could say: “Let us go elsewhere, into the surrounding villages, so that I can preach.” Let’s go and “immediately” begin the work He has prepared and called us to do, for that is what He came to do.” Are you prepared to step out and change your culture as He did?