Learn to be discerning:

use scripture to

Jeremiah 23 is Jeremiah’s warning to be discerning, for false prophets were roaming about the land. The people were confused, and Jeremiah sought to correct their understanding and prepare themselves for God’s discipline’s onslaught. In the midst of this is the false priest Pashur who seeks to undermine Jeremiah at every turn. It is the same today and why Bob Deffinbaugh’s words are so pointed for today: “We dare not become lazy and expect others to do our studying and thinking for us.” [B. Deffinbaugh]

Paul reminded Timothy to study to show himself an approved workman, and we are to do the same. We can trust God’s Word, for it is inspired to teach us, reprove us, correct us and train us in the way of righteousness. But, before we can step into that, we must discern who the true teacher is and the false teacher. Observe and discern: do their words line up with God’s Word; are their lives consistent with God’s standards, are they seeking you and your money to keep the program going, and have they been in the inner circle of God?

Wise counsel for today: be discerning.

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