Job 17 Remain Faithful even if…

Job 17 Despair
If it were not for Job’s faithfulness then we as present day readers would be in the pit of despair. Listen to Job: “17:1 My spirit is broken, my days have faded out; the grave awaits me.” You can read this and pass on because it doesn’t describe you, but you can’t read it and not feel his despondency. How does one remain faithful when you have read these words? How can you pass on from here when you read the scathing responses of his so-called friends? How can you read this and not have a compassionate spirit in your heart? I can’t and probably you cannot either.
How does one respond to a statement like Job’s? You sit in Shiva and mourn the heart of your precious friend. I can well remember doing just that for my dearest friend Rosie. Try as I might, there were only tears as I left that house and returned to my home and a family that was strong and healthy. I have never forgotten that day and her name sits at Ps 116:15 in my Bible. Listen to David’s words at that verse: “Precious in the sight of the LORD [is] the death of his saints.”
Precious friend, if you have someone that you care about and is in the pit of despair, stop and pray. Pray for their soul, pray for God to be nearer than your breath and praise God when He takes them home. But….this is not where Job is yet. So stop and pray for their healing, their peace, their understanding when they stand at the crossroads of life.