Impatient Hypocrisy

Jeremiah 41-45 The remaining Judahites come to Jeremiah to seek the counsel of the Lord. They hypocritically say they will listen and obey what God wanted them to do. But, in reality, God knew their heart, which was full of hypocrisy. To say one thing and yet do another is hypocrisy. These men wanted to have God say what they wanted to hear. After waiting ten days, God sent them a message: do NOT go to Egypt. If you do, you will die there. How like today! God sends his messengers to tell men to repent and be saved. Yet, men say I must have to do something; first. I must clean up my life, give more money to the church, etc. Men just cannot believe it is a simple gospel message. This story of the murder of the Babylonian governor’s murder and then the Judahite’s fear of the Babylonians is the backdrop of this hypocrisy. In hindsight, it is the truth of Prov 29:25 “the fear of man is a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted.”
Where has God spoken, and you have denied the truth? Where is God calling you to Himself, and you are not believing His way?