Hard Times? God is there!

Isaiah 40-41 We finally can rejoice with Isaiah as he shares the glory and majesty of our God to his people and us! When the Jerusalemites heard these words from Isaiah, can you imagine the joy, the hope? Even though, yes, they would have to face 70 yrs. of captivity for their sin, God’s promise was true and would be fulfilled. God always brings us a message of hope in times of hardship.
“Speak kindly to Jerusalem and tell her that her time of warfare is over, that her punishment is completed.” [Is 40:2]
Completed! Yes and Amen! Twice Isaiah reminds these precious souls in Jerusalem going through hard times: God’s righteous right hand would be there to assist them.
“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you! Don’t be frightened, for I am your God! I strengthen you— yes, I help you— yes, I uphold you with my victorious right hand!” [Is 41:10]
This is my “go-to” verse when I go through hard times. What is yours?