God is a promise keeper, are we?

Romans 3 God is True and Faithful, are we?

In chapter 2, Paul expressly reminded the Jew that they were no better than any Gentile because God is impartial. He doesn’t look at the Jew as better or more faithful or more pure. Rather, just as God reminded Samuel, He looks at the heart,not the outward work or words. Now in chapter 3, Paul expands this truth to remind the Jew that of all the peoples He could have chosen to be His own, He chose them. However, the Jew has squandered that gift and God reminded them of that fact so now all, Jew and Gentile stand before Him guilty as charged. 

Paul asks if God should then abandon them and he emphatically says no because God is a promise keeper. That which He ordained and chose to do, He will do to the very end whether one believes or not. 

This is a great reminder to us who have chosen Christ and believe. God’s promises are amen and amen. He promised never to leave or forsake us and that holds as true today as it did in times past. 

The question before us is what Paul asks: are you as faithful as God? 

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