Genesis 43-44 God’s Ways

We have walked with Joseph through many a year, beginning when he was a favored son of Jacob and hated by his brothers. In a moment of jealousy, they sold him to traders and then to Potiphar. From there, he was thrown into prison under false charges. In all, Joseph triumphed over sin and temptations, and God blessed him with wisdom and understanding. God does not waste our trials but uses them to mature us and prepare us to be used for Him and His glory. Jesus gave the disciples a prayer, which we call the Lord’s Prayer. In it, He said for us to pray: lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. This was true in the life of Joseph and can be true for you.
Sometimes, God reveals his purposes in real time for two reasons: That He alone gets the glory and we become the instruments to proclaim His name and His work before unbelievers. Such was the case with Joseph and it is true for each of us who are believers.
As you walk through the trials of life, ask God where He wants to use you in His kingdom work, but be prepared for trials to come your way just as they did in the life of Joseph. Behind every black cloud of trials, is a line of pure light and God’s blessing. Claim it!