Genesis 41 Remember or Forget?

Joseph is an example for us of how God uses His plans to come to us and His explanations as well. This is a reminder of the words of Isaiah: God’s plans are higher and more superior than ours. [Is 55:8-9] What He has decreed He will do. Joseph evidently had been recalling the words of God in some way and now at 30 yrs of age, God is going to use him for the world which is soon to experience a famine.
Today we have the whole counsel of God in written form, but for Joseph and men of his time, God revealed His plan in dreams, whether they be servants or officials. And so it happened that the cupbearer and the baker had dreams and God revealed the wisdom to Joseph about them and gave credit to God and it happened just as he said. Two years later, (I wonder if used that time to hone Joseph’s skills even more than before??) God also used dreams for Pharaoh but blocked the interpretation from his “wise” men so that Joseph alone would be able to interpret.
As Joseph interpreted, did you notice this one verse? “But seven years of famine will occur after them, and all the abundance will be forgotten in the land of Egypt.” God opens our blessing box but when trouble follows we fail to remember the blessings just like the cupbearer! A word of wisdom: keep close to your heart God’s blessings so that when trouble happens, you have that to recall and give you assurance.