Genesis 40 Joseph

There is much to be learned when we take time to analyze the biblical characters that we find in our daily reading. Joseph is always seen as the master of his fate and the beloved son of his aged father, but one author called him the “upstart” and one that used his position to garner his father’s love. So, with that on our minds, let’s really look at Joseph.
He was the son of his father’s love and the youngest son in this story but there is another son who will be the youngest, Benjamin. Joseph endeared himself to his father as the son of his old age, but his other brothers were jealous of him. These brothers, as we have seen, are not the best examples of purity and righteous for they schemed and plotted to destroy the Shechemites. It was after this, that Joseph is tasked to go and report on the brother’s work. Joseph innocently goes off to find them, but the brothers are once again scheming to remove Joseph. Through this we see Joseph as one who seems to lack discernment regarding these ten brothers It is into this saga we find innocent Joseph being sold into slavery where he rises in the ranks of Potiphar’s house and then is unjustly imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. It is in these two places, Joseph’s skills as caretaker and interpreter of dreams are noted. God does not waste our positions but uses them for His purposes which brings us back to the words of Isaiah 55:8-9:
For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
When we are in a quandary as to the “why’s” we need to turn back to Isaiah and trust God in all circumstances. Just as we read in Job, God is at work to bring about His plans for our good even though presently we are left in the dark.