PathwayStart Forums Apologetics What Is Apologetics?

  • What Is Apologetics?

    Posted by Dr. Greg Herrick on September 12, 2019 at 4:04 pm

    “You can’t argue people into the faith”, some claim (with no little conviction!). Now, it seems to me – and you may think quite differently – that seen under a certain biblical light, there is indeed a good measure of Biblical wisdom in this premise, especially as regards the noetic (“cognitively blinding”) effects of indwelling sin.  

    The problem with it, however, is that it can lead – and often does – to the false inference that (1) as a believer, I do not need to seriously think through the claims of Christ and the nature of faith itself, etc., and that (2) empirical evidence, argument, reason and persuasion play absolutely no role in helping others process following Jesus and trusting Him. Even worse, some claim today that when Christians use apologetics, they are, as it were, denying the work of the Spirit. For only the Spirit can save; a man’s reasoning counts for nothing.
    But, is this so? Is this judgment likely to be correct?  

    What do you think of Jesus’ teachings,  miraculous signs, interaction with people, including the religious leaders, etc.? Also, how do you read the “gospel-presentation” language in Acts regarding “persuading”, “teaching”, “reasoning”, connection with clarifying the Good News to people  (see Acts 2, 13, 17).

    Dr. Greg Herrick replied 5 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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