Fickle or Faithful? Wishy Washy or Steadfast?

Nehemiah 11-13, Ps 126: As we close this book, we are reminded that God is sovereign. He sees and knows all that is going on, and He alone raises up and puts down men/women for His purpose. We also see that hearts need to be changed before work and workers can be aligned with your truth. Nehemiah has been absent due to his service to the king. As he returns, he finds that they have lapsed in their agreements to stand strong, be faithful, and honor God. How like us! We start strong, but then challenges arise, and we fail to remain strong. This is not new! Paul saw it in the churches he planted, Nehemiah saw it in Jerusalem upon his return, and we see it in our own lives. What a fickle people we are!
There is a second lesson we see here, and it is this: as Nehemiah remained faithful, we will have men/women in our lives who are our role models to follow their leadership/example. It all comes down to what we will choose. This principle was given early on, and Joshua challenges us again. We must choose whom we will serve: the gods of our past or the Lord God Almighty.
Can we and will we echo Joshua: “but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” [Joshua 24:15]