Exodus 16-18 Murmurings & Wise Counsel

What is our response when we face suffering? Have you forgotten the work of God in the midst of a trial? Do you look back at what God did in the past for you? We are a part of the evil generation that forgets the blessings and only focuses on the present time. God has provided all that the Israelites have needed and yet their memories are short, so like us. They have witnessed the power of God to protect them from the hand of Pharaoh even in the time of suffering and yet they are focused on what will feed the body rather than what will feed the soul.
One behavior we have honed is murmuring. We murmur when life has thrown us a challenge, a test if you may want to call it that, and it isn’t just us that murmur but our murmuring is caught and transferred to others. It is sort of like that yeast in the rising dough. It grows and fills the entire lump.
Into this a visitor arrives; a man who has been seeking God and he finds it from the testimony of one. Now that he has seen the working of God, he believes. Where has your testimony of God spoken to the heart of another and you and he are blessed together? Moses’ father in law Jethro is wise for when he sees the predicament that is before Moses, he offers wisdom which is accepted. Learn from the aged!
So many lessons here! Today rejoice and be glad for God has and is working.