
Acts 2 God Provides Evidence 

Throughout the holy scriptures we have read that the Jews required a sign and the Greeks required wisdom. On the day of Pentecost both were given to those who were in Jerusalem as required by God. God graciously fulfilled both so that no one would be without excuse. Josh McDowell authored his book; Evidence Demands a Verdict and thus God gave these that evidence using both the wind and fire. God gave to the children of Israel as they left Egypt. By day they had the clouds that drifted and showed them the path to the Promised Land. By night He graciously gave them the pillar of fire to warm them and protect them from their enemies. 

The wind and fire were given on that day to reveal His presence and His power to those who had the words of Isaiah but had hardened their hearts. Now with this evidence they had to choose and they did! Over 3000 believed and were baptized that day and they continued to multiply as the rest of the book of Acts will explain. 

What evidence do you demand? Do you require a sign or  wisdom to believe? We have the completed Word of God to prove Jesus is the Christ. Choose ye this day whom you will believe. 

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