Enduring trials

1Peter 1 to 5 Peter tells us how to live in a hostile world
For some reason, we think that when we accept Christ as Savior, our world will be “sunny-side” up. We fail to realize that just as stone must endure the trial of polishing to shine, you too are polished through trials. Our lives come with both blessing and suffering.
Perhaps Peter was recalling his own experience before the religious leaders who unjustly imprisoned him and John. Upon their release, the early church responded: “And now, Lord, pay attention to their threats, and grant to your servants to speak your message with great courage.” [Acts 4:29]
Just like Peter and John, we may be called to face mistreatment just because we have chosen to follow Christ. So, don’t be surprised when you face fiery trials but rejoice that you are called to suffer for His Name. Therefore, prepare your heart and mind ahead of time to face them. Remember to be holy, for you are called to be holy. Love fervently, abstain from fleshly lusts, submit to the ordinances of men and live humbly. Remember, you are a testament to God’s work in you. Each trial will polish you to shine as a gem in Christ’s kingdom.