“Eight Ways to Praise the Lord”

Ps 111 Praising God with our whole heart!
Ps 112 Praising God who blesses those who obey Him and take great delight in keeping His commands
Ps 113 Praising God you servants, praise His name both now and forevermore
Ps 114 Praising God for His care over Israel
Ps 115 Praising God for His holy name
Ps 116 Praising God who hears our pleas for mercy and listens
Ps 117 Praising God every nation for his lovingkindness towers over us
Ps 118 Praising God for his lovingkindness endures forever!
Blessed are His people who seek His face and offer praises to Him who has “inscribed our name on the palm of his hand.” [Is 49:16]