Do you “know” God or just “about” God?

Ps 25 -27 How much do you know God?
As we read each day, ask yourself: Who is God that I should desire to be like Him? How do I define Him? Do I look for those things that will make me feel good, or do I seek ways to honor God? Do we look for ways to behold God, His person, and His attributes just as Romans 1:19/20 says: “what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain…therefore, we can know that it was He that formed us for His glory, thus we are without excuse.
As David ponders all of what he sees about him, he stops and says; I have walked in my integrity and then ends with I will walk in my integrity. Integrity is a mindset of those who seek God and desire to please Him. Paul reminded his Roman readers that he “was not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power for salvation.” [Rom 1:16]. David prayed in these psalms, “do not let me be ashamed and then reminds himself that he who waits for God will not be ashamed.” [Ps 25:3 NASB]
Do you know God or just about God? Where are you today in your walk with Him?