
Choices choices

Ps 85-87 Today our nation, just as the nation of long ago Israel, is bombarded with the false gods who promise peace and prosperity. The prophet Elijah saw that the chants and sacrifices to the false god, Baal, remained on the altar but the true God sent fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice and lick up the water. As Elijah challenged the people of Israel, the psalmist is challenging us with the same challenge: if Baal be god, worship him, but if Yahweh is God, worship him. We also must make that choice.

The false gods cannot deliver, provide or bring peace. The psalmist recognizes that Yahweh alone is the restorer who pardons and forgives our sin because He is kind, forgiving, and merciful, and in times of trouble, we can cry out to him. His salvation is near to those who fear him. To fear God is to give him reverence for his character and his proven faithfulness in the past for He is immutable. As he was, he shall forever be, for he is righteous, strong, and our deliverer. “For you, Lord are good and ready to forgive and abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon him” [Ps 86:5]

Which god do you fear? Do you worship Baal or Yahweh?

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