2Thess 1 “Works, Purified or Fried?” I love you! These words radiate across the centuries from the hand of Paul. How he, Silvanus, and Timothy…
Category: Bible
Listen up and Learn
Prov11 Righteousness vs Unrighteousness Solomon was a wise king in many areas and he was observant to the world conditions around him. He noted the…
The Gospel Message
1Thess 2 Sharing the Gospel Message Paul and his team were persecuted in Philippi, but that did not stop them from sharing the gospel message.…
Questions to Ponder about our
1 Thessalonians 1 Prayer Life How is your prayer life today? Is it full of needs that are keeping you from being focused on the…
Hungry? Thirsty?
Ps 42 Jesus taught the Sermon on the Mount and said, blessed is he who hungers and thirsts for righteousness for he will be satisfied.…
A Teacher’s Goal
Colossians 1 “We proclaim him by instructing and teaching all people with all wisdom so that we may present every person mature in Christ.” [Col…
Hoodwinked or Free?
Galatians 5 When Christ was preparing the disciples for his departure, He told them that He would not leave them as orphans but He would…
Freedom or Slavery?
Gal 4 In several cultures there is a rite of passage by having ceremonies and lavish parties. I can remember our granddaughter had her quinceañera…