
Psalm 65 “How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You to dwell in Your courts.” [Ps 65:4] We use the word blessing so casually but the psalmist rightly points us to the truth of this word: it is God that blesses and He blesses those whom He has chosen. In the NT we read that we were chosen from the foundation of the world. Stop and consider the word chosen. That means that God specifically took time to observe and wisely choose those upon whom He would place His favor. Note too that God not only chooses but places them near to Him so that they can dwell within His court. One day we shall stand before His judgment seat and will we hear well done thou good and faithful servant or I never knew you.
Where will you and I stand? What will we hear? Take time today to ponder this thought: you were chosen before the foundation of the world and He has placed His favor upon you.