Be A Seed Potato!

Hosea 8-10 Potatoes are a great picture of discipleship!  You first plant seed potatoes in furrows and cover them with soil and then you wait while the potatoes grow large green plants.  It isn’t until harvest time when you lift the plants that you see many new potatoes! God is the gardener who has planted us as “seed potatoes” in the furrows of this world where we live, work and play.  While we are hidden we are, or should be, growing roots and then more potatoes; a picture of disciples making disciples.

But even though God, as the Master Gardener, has planted us properly, there are enemies lurking. Uncovered or shallow furrows become the prime menu for birds and mice. Hosea reminds the Israelites, and us, that we must be careful not to sow to the wind–meaning sowing where the false words of the birds and mice can devour us. They will have a feast and you will only reap the whirlwind or perhaps nothing.  The Israelites did just that. They were to be God’s hidden potatoes in the world but they left their furrows uncovered and the birds and mice of Assyria came. Hosea reminded them to break up the fallow ground, sow seed “potatoes” of righteousness and they would reap God’s unfailing love.

Is your furrow protected by the soil? Are you producing more seed potatoes which will, in turn, produce the Fruit of the Spirit?

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