Are You Living in Death Valley?

Ezekiel 37 God’s love is beyond our ability to comprehend but the evidence is before us and is clearly seen in creation. But, often our eyes are focused on the “valley of dry bones,” our Death Valley. We say “I know God can do anything, “but in the next breath we say “I fail to see how God can work in this situation.” Martha stood by the tomb of Lazarus and thought those very words.

Martha wanted Jesus to do something because, like her, we are more comfortable “doing” than “believing.”  Perhaps that is why we keep our idols of busyness, pleasure, and materialism.  The pioneers of old, who wandered into Death Valley and had to be rescued, we find ourselves wandering, wondering how we too will be rescued.  Martha stood before a closed tomb;  Ezekiel stood in a valley of dead bones. Both were left speechless when God asked: can these bones live?  But, God in his mercy watched and heard God say: I am about to infuse breath into you and you will live!

Jesus, from eternity past, determined to be our rescuer from our death valley. He saw, He came and reminds us:  I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even if he dies, and the one who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?


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