Are you Grateful for your Salvation?

be grateful

Romans 11 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how unfathomable his ways! [Rom 11:33] 

Paul expertly reveals the plan of God for His people and we who are the Gentiles. Thus, Paul reminds us that salvation given to us is a gift for we were the wild olive branch and yet He chose to graft us in. He reminds us that the we who are the Gentiles must remain humble lest we too be cut off. Salvation is for all and God is pleased when we accept His plan. Once grafted in we become part of the true olive tree and for this we are to be grateful. 

Today I am more and more grateful for His plan and His acceptance of me as a wild olive branch which He chose to graft into the true olive tree. 

Secondly, Paul explains that there will be a day when the Jew will also be grafted into the true tree but for now their stubbornness has kept them from believing this: salvation is for Jew and Gentile. Has God forgotten His promise to them? Not in anyway but they are walking in darkness at this time. Keep pressing on, keep praying, keep living the grace filled life so they will see the benefit of salvation. 

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