Are we prepared?

ACTS 24 Paul has been taken by night from Jerusalem to Caesarea to stand before Felix. Paul was assured that he would go to Rome because the Holy Spirit had reminded him that this would come to pass. In the meantime, the religious leaders, after hearing Paul’s testimony, seek further retribution from Felix.
Paul has now been presenting the case for Christ for some time and he was well prepared to once again present the truth. As he stood listening to the lies of the Jewish leaders, we wonder what was going through his mind? Did he remember the words of Jesus to the disciples that when they would stand before governors etc. the Holy Spirit would give them the words to say and this was true in Paul’s case as well.
As we listen to Paul’s defense we see how true that is for him and will be true for us. What is the reaction of others when we present our case regarding salvation? Felix is a picture of those who hear the truth, but choose to reject Christ, yet are alarmed. Apostle John wrote: “he [that is the Holy. Spirit] will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment: concerning sin, because they do not believe in me.” [John 16:8-9] Felix was convicted yet denied Christ. Yet, in all this we see the Apostle Paul remain confident to present the case for Christ.
How about us?