“A Steadfast Faith”

Luke 22 As the disciples argued over who is the greatest, Jesus reminded them that the key is not their greatness but their faithfulness. Jesus remarks: “pay attention! Satan has demanded to have you all [all disciples], to sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you, Simon, [in particular] that your faith may not fail.”
It is when we are self-confident in our faith that Satan comes to sift us. Then we must ask ourselves what is most important. Do we answer that our faith remains strong? Satan is audacious, arrogant, and is the father of lies, and he comes telling us that our faith will not carry us through. Note that Jesus’ concern is not about one’s failure to succeed but faith to remain steadfast. We have two avenues of protection in times like this. We can remind Jesus of his promise to intercede/pray for us that our faith not fail and remind Satan that “The Spirit intercedes on behalf of the saints according to God’s will; [Rom 8] that Christ is at the right hand of God….interceding for us. [Rom 8] that He always lives to intercede for us.[Heb 7] and that we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous One [1Jn 2]
Beloved, Jesus prays specifically for you and me that our faith not fail. Take time today to thank Him for His prayers.