God is waiting

Micah 5-7 A praise song’s lyrics read: I give you all my worship, all of my passion, I give you my whole heart, I want to know you, let your spirit overwhelm me, let your presence overtake my heart
Those words could have come from Micah the prophet in his prayer time. Micah, like Daniel and Nehemiah, prayed to the God of the universe and sought His presence. In his prayer, he acknowledges that God has told us what He really wants. He wants us to carry out justice, love faithfulness, and to live obediently before him. He is not like the idols the Judahites fell down before. Those threatened and demanded obeisance yet the God of very Gods is unlike any of them. God forgives sin and pardons the rebellion of his people. He does not stay angry but delights in showing unchanging love.
Do you want to know Him? He is as close as a whisper. Reach out to Him and hear his voice calling to you for although he reigns upon the highest heaven, he speaks words of love to you. Just as you want to know him, He wants to know you! Will you give him all your worship, all of your passion, all of your heart? He is waiting, knocking at the door of your heart.