EXODUS 33 Moses speaks with God

To highlight the need for conversation when engaging people of different opinions.

God had chosen Moses to lead His people but they were a stiff necked people. What does that phrase bring to mind but a people who were disobedient and proud and rebellious. The Israelites were familiar with that expression as one speaks of an ox who refuses to obey. Imagine being compared to that? God is saying you are no better than the animal I created. When the people heard that they humbled themselves and removed their ornaments.

A second thing noteworthy was how the people showed their humility after that rebuke from God. When Moses passed by on the way to the Tent of Meeting, as he called it, they rose at the door of their tent and worshiped. We stand in reverence when the scripture is read as a sign of respect and humility. 

A third noteworthy thing to see is that Moses and God spoke face to face while the pillar of the cloud stood over the tent. How bold was Moses to speak what was on his mind to the Lord God Almighty. Am I that bold to speak to God as Moses spoke? 

A fourth thing from this passage is that after leaving God to return to the people, his face shone. Does my face shine after being in His presence? 

Great lessons just from this chapter. 

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