10.8.24. Encourage One Another

You are in my heart says God

2 Cor 7 Rejoicing

What thoughts bring joy to your mind today? For Paul, it was the moment he embraced Titus upon his return. Paul had been despondent at not finding him at the last stop he had made and so did not serve God in that place. But, now, Paul was excited to see his precious friend once again and even more so when he shared the good news from the church in Corinth. A happy heart is good medicine, so the Proverbs author said, and it seems to be true. When we are downtrodden, we are sad beyond measure and nothing anyone says or does draws us out of our doom and gloom. But, let a friend call or a friend drop by or receiving good news, we are moved from sadness to joy. 

So it was when Titus returned with good news from Corinth, that Paul was able to share with the Corinthians by letter how pleased he was at this news. 

Paul writes “Therefore we have been encouraged. And in addition to our own encouragement, we rejoiced even more at the joy of Titus because all of you have refreshed his spirit.” [2 Cor 7:13] 

Today someone needs your words of encouragement and your friendship. Take a moment today to speak to that person in writing or by a phone call or by personal attention.  

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