How quickly we forget…

1 Cor 6 Do you not know?

Child rearing is not a once time but it is an over and over recalling past conversations. As a parent we instruct our children with what is right so when they sin, we ask them did you not know what the consequences would be? As a former teacher, that was the same conversation I had with the children under my care. Both our own children and the children under our care often are brought to shame. Yes, they did recall the conversation but in the heat of the moment, they forgot. How true it is for even adult believers as Paul points out and so he asks this question six times: Do you not know? You can almost listen in on that conversation and see the shame of the listener. As the wise teacher of this Corinthian flock, Paul uses that question to bring back the memory of their first conversation and his teaching. So he reminds them of the consequences that lay before them because they “forgot” what he had taught them. 

This is a wise chapter for us to read and reread as we need that reminder and that question. In the heat of the moment, where are you thoughts, on yourself or the body of Christ? Did you not know what you have been taught? Have you forgotten so quickly what we talked about? Review this verse over and over so you remember this counsel: “For you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.” [1 Cor 6:20] 

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