Crisis of Belief or Believe?

Believe or not

Judges 13-15 Back in the day of the Judges, the Israelites were excited when a baby was coming, but for some, like Mrs. Manoah, there was only sadness because she was barren. Was she sitting out in the field bemoaning her plight? Did God look down from heaven and say here is a godly woman that needs a child? Whatever the circumstances were, she was out in the field, and Mr. Manoah was “house sitting.” He missed the blessing, but she was granted an audience with the Angel of the Lord. Is there a time we miss the blessing because we are in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Enter God’s grace and patience. The Angel of the Lord appears again, and this time both parents-to-be are granted God’s vision and blessing. In his excitement, Mr. Manoah prepares a feast, and the Angel tells him to expect a child soon. Then unexpectedly, the Angel disappears, and Mr. Manoah has a “crisis of belief” and cries: “We will certainly die because we have seen a supernatural being.” In light of all that has happened,  Mrs. Manoah gathers up her skirts, looks him in the eye, and essentially says: Look, if the Lord wanted to kill us don’t you think he would have done it then? 🙂

God has a way of sharing his blessings, but we have to be prepared and ready to receive them. Trust that God, in His way, provides His blessing for us.

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