The Sword of the Lord…

The sword of the Lord

Joshua 4-6 Crossing-Circumcising-Commander of the Lord’s Army-Conquering

The Lord spoke to Joshua just as He had spoken to Moses, and whatever Joshua heard, he obeyed. He led the people, and just as God had said would happen, the Lord exalted him, and they revered him just as they had revered Moses. Has God exalted us, not because of who we are, but because we are faithful as Joshua to obey God and His Word?

Just as God knew that Joshua would face a battle with the enemy, so He knows we too face a battle with the enemy of our soul. He sent the Commander of His army with sword drawn to encourage Joshua. But, before he could enter the battle, he had to remove his sandal, for he stood on holy ground. God has sent us with the “word of God which is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword,…” [Heb 4:12] Therefore, remove your sandal for you stand on holy ground. Take up “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” [Eph. 6:17] and enter the battle for the Commander of the Lord goes before you. 

Is your quiver filled with the sword of the Spirit? As this was true for the Israelites it is also true for us:  “The Lord your God who goes before you will Himself fight on your behalf.” [Deut. 1:30]

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