12.15.24. God’s Mercy

Revelation 11 Antisemitism & Repentance
Step into this chapter with eyes wide open to see the mercy and judgment of God. John is told to measure the temple but not to measure outside the temple for it has been given to the Gentiles, and they will trample on the holy city for forty-two months.
Step into the scene and observe the temple closely for now we are given the ability to see a new event, the two witnesses who come with the message for all of mankind to repent. Who are these two witnesses? God has given us ideas but no definitive answer. These have the power to turn all water to blood and thus the refreshment of a cool drink is removed from all mankind. Is this God’s reminder of His power to do the same as He did in the Egyptian plagues? How did Pharaoh handle that when it happened centuries ago? Just as then, the power of antisemitism is alive and well. For three and a half years men will hear the words: repent. The witnesses are protected from evil but then are killed. But, God again is merciful as He allows a miracle. Just as the world looks on and rejoices over the death of these two, they see them resurrected after three days. Over and over God has demonstrated both His mercy and His judgment for He is not willing any to perish but come to repentance.
Just as now, so it will be then. In His mercy He has given men time to repent but also time to recognize that without repentance they will be lost. Have you repented so you will be saved?