1.2.25.Which heart is yours?

Genesis 4-7 Despair amidst Blessings
God saw that all of men’s hearts were evil “continually.” He regretted he had made them but two me stood out above them all: Enoch and Noah. Why did Enoch and Noah stand out? They walked with God and communed with God. God graciously took Enoch to heaven, but Noah had to live among men who were evil as a testament to them to see how to gain favor in the eyes of the Lord. There is a lesson here for us: God may keep you here to do His work OR He may take you home to heaven.
There is one lesson that stands out: if a man/woman walks with God they will be blessed and protected from the ways of the evil one who roams about seeking whom he can devour. Another lesson is this: the hearts of men are known by God and as Jeremiah reminded us, the heart of men is deceitful continually. Only one thing can change the heart of men and it is if one has chosen to walk with God and let HIM change that deceitful heart. Which heart is yours?