Dave Austin
First Name | Dave |
Last Name | Austin |
Nickname | dave-austin |
About | Ministry Passion: To be successful in God's eyes by actively becoming more spiritually mature while implementing Christ's commands in my life. To join my close Christian friends and fellow Christians around the world to "DO the Great Commission for Real"(Matt 28:19-20). We must all be involved in Multiplying Disciples while we mature in our faith through sharing and training. To help us in this goal I am involved in a project to develop a disciplemaking site for the church called KnowingGod.org If you would like more information or would like to help contact me. I am also interested in moving to an "Open Source" ministry model; recruiting and teaming with others who are passionate about empowering people to be eternally successful in making disciples of Christ and to see the body of Christ grow spiritually within the context of the local church across all languages and cultures worldwide. Mr. Austin is firmly in the camp of sharing ministry techniques, technology and content. He senses the movement of the Holy Spirit among those with the technical skills to harness the "Internet and mobile technology for God" and to develop "open source" ministry models that can assist ministry leaders carry out their responsibilities to "equip the saints to do the work of the ministry"Eph 4:12. This process is just beginning and he predicts that within the next 3 years it should make a much larger impact across the board. Bible.org is interested in teaming with anyone who wants to build this needed collaborative and sharing ministry framework for the Glory of God and HIS Kingdom. If a sharing ministry framework is of interest to you and/or if you have a similar vision, Bible.org would like to talk with you and see if a new partnership can develop. Contact Mr Austin here |
Occupation | work here as a volunteer |
Gender | Male |