What is on your wish list?

What is on the top of your wish list? As we enter the holiday season are you busy making your wish list for gift giving? Interestingly, beneath the veneer of the Corinthians was a wish list that was as long as your arm. They wanted tongues and to prophesy. So gently Paul opens their eyes and ours to see what a true wish list should include.

It seems that they wished they could speak in tongues. But then Paul asks them even if it is done by the Spirit who can understand it unless the listener has that same Spirit speaking to them with that same set of words? Thus how can they say “AMEN?” It is as if one is deaf to the musical sounds that emanate from the other.

Question: So is there value in tongues and if so to whom? If the Holy Spirit wants one to speak in an unknown tongue He will provide the words and the interpreter to explain it to those who are not so blessed. But, even with that, Paul is asking the Corinthians and us: Is that the greatest gift we can offer to God and to others? Paul says no it is not. He reminds them that the greatest gift one can offer another is love. It is agape love that is patient, kind, humble with a servant’s heart, able to bear all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Did you notice that Paul said “all” four times?

Beloved reader, what do you wish for this holiday season? What is the best gift you can give another? Why don’t you start planning now what you can do to bring the joy of the holidays by sharing the gift of  God’s love to another?

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