Job 30-41 God’s Zoo

Today, just as in the time of Job many deny the Creator and His creation. Yet we read in Romans 1:20 that all of creation reveals His attributes therefore we are without excuse. Where were we when God opened His vast storehouse of animals that we might see His powerful creation? Today, in Texas there is a riverbed of dinosaur tracks perfectly preserved. Last year in the drought we visited it and walked the riverbed and put our feet in the tracks! Amazing to think that Job might have seen animals such as these and as God described.
God continues to ask Job if he really understands God and His creation. Job responds that he has spoken carelessly and will no longer question God for He has been humbled. When God speaks to us in dreams, as He did for Pharaoh, or Nebuchadnezzar, or the Holy Spirit speaks to us in the Word do we still challenge He who is Creator of all or do we humbly fall and submit to Him?
Think about it!