Is Your Repentance True or Fake?

Is your repentance real or false

Nahum 1-3 In 1935 there was a huge dust storm in the US. It crossed the midwest and carried more dirt than was dug from the Panama Canal all the way to the ocean on the east. It was called Black Sunday. Nahum describes a similar scene; “[God] marches out in the whirlwind and the raging storm; dark storm clouds billow like dust under his feet.” [Nah 1:3] One hundred years earlier, when Jonah spoke to Nineveh, both man and beast, put on sackcloth and ashes in repentance; but, now, they had returned to their cruel ways. Although God’s mercies are new every morning, if repentance is not real, He will bring judgment.

God is slow to anger not willing any should perish, but all come to repentance, [2Pet 3:9] yet He is also zealous and will avenge.  Whereas the former king repented and Nineveh was spared, the new king was indolent and unrepentant. God allowed the winds of the Babylonians to come in and destroy Assyria for this unrepentance. The point is that God is looking for true repentance. Is our repentance real or fake?

Assyria was destroyed, and their idols burned yet scoffers say: “where is the promise of his coming? It is as it always has been.” [2Pet 3:4]  Amazingly, in 1845, an archaeologist stumbled upon Nineveh’s site and found an extensive library proving Nahum’s words were true and accurate.

Beloved, God is merciful, but He will be patient just so long. If Jesus were to return today, would you be ready?

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