Elihu’s view of God

Job 35-37 Elihu still contends that Job is his own worst enemy! Sometimes I can relate to that. Elihu says to remember the character of God, which does not change. He also asks Job and his three “miserable comforters” to consider how sin affects God. If sin is great, what does it do to him? [Job 35:6] He also asks, if you are righteous, what do you give to God, or what does He receive from you in return? Elihu has masterfully considered both sides of a coin, and in chapters 36 and 37, he eloquently recites the character qualities of our God.
God is mighty and is not partial to anyone, which Paul also notes in his treatise in Romans. “There is no partiality with God.” [Rom 2:11] God is also fair and just. He does not allow the wicked to live but gives justice to the poor. Elihu asked Job why he was so preoccupied with the judgment due to the wicked. [Job 36:17] Instead, occupy yourself with the adoration of God, who is great! His years are unsearchable. Who can understand God is his bottom line question.
How much time do you and I devote to thoughts like this? Elihu adores God, and we should as well. Anyone can observe creation and come away knowing God’s character and invisible attributes. [Rom 1:20] Take time today to do that.