12.20.24. Blessings and Warnings

Revelation 14 Lies vs Truth
How does the Lord see you today? Does He see you as these 144,000 blameless? What does it mean to be blameless? In the Bible it means means someone who cannot be accused of wrongdoing before God or people. It can also mean someone who has integrity and exhibits good character. Note believers stand innocent of any wrong doing, yet we know that the Accuser of the Brethren stands ready to hurl accusations. However, his words fall on fallow ground because these are protected by the Lamb.
Fast forward to see the angels as town criers. First is the angel with the gospel message; the second angel announces the fall of Babylon, the third angel announces a warning to all mankind to not take the mark of the beast. Yet, for all of God’s mercy to these on the earth, their words fall on deaf ears. The hardness of men’s hearts is beyond belief and yet look around you and listen to those who are alive now and their responses. There will be time, I am busy. God sends everyone to heaven, a blasphemous lie from the pit of hell. Open the Book and read! It is ok for you but not for me is a delaying exercise.
Do not be conformed to this world for it is a world of death and decay.