12.18.24. War!

Revelation 12: Throughout the entire Word of God, signs are pictures given to remind us of the scope of history both past, present and future as well as teaching points about God and Jesus Christ. In this chapter we find signs about the birth of the nation of Israel as well as the continuing struggle between the Jews and the non-Jews who hate anyone who belongs to Christ.
The Jews, who are God’s favored nation, are pictured as a woman in labor for they struggled since the Garden of Eden to bring forth Christ, the Son of God. Those who hate the Jews are seen as the offspring of Satan in the image of a dragon, a most fearsome creation. As we read this chapter, we must stop and ask what is the lesson God wants us to see through the eyes of John, the Apostle? It is this; until Christ comes and conquers there will be war between believers and non-believers. Peter said it well: Dear friends, do not be astonished that a trial by fire is occurring among you, as though something strange were happening to you. Be ready for when you begin to see this happening, know that Christ is at the door knocking for entrance so He can come in and sup with us. Are you listening for His knock?
God has given us these pictures to alert us to His eternal plan of redemption for His people. Are you listening for His knock?